Monthly Archives: September 2024

Why Is Steam Coming from Under My Car’s Hood?

Why Is Steam Coming from Under My Car’s Hood?

You’re driving along when, all of a sudden, you notice steam rising from under your car’s hood. It’s one of those situations that instantly grabs your attention and leaves you feeling a bit concerned. Steam is never a good sign, but what’s actually happening beneath that hood? Is it something minor, or should you pull over immediately? Let’s look at the most common causes of steam coming from your engine and what steps you should take to prevent serious damage to your car.   Coolant System Issues One of the leading causes of steam under the hood is a problem with your car’s coolant system. Your engine generates an immense amount of heat, and it relies on the coolant system to keep it from overheating. If there’s a leak in the system, low coolant levels, or a malfunctioning radiator, your engine can overheat, which often results in steam escaping from under the hood. The steam you’re seeing is most likely hot ... read more